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datematch: Should You Try It?

Are you ready to take your dating life up a notch? Then it’s time to check out datematch! This revolutionary online dating site is shaking things up in the world of romance. With its unique features and innovative approach, this could be just what you need to find that special someone. But does it really deliver on its promises? Read our review for all the details – we’ve got everything from pros and cons, pricing info, user reviews…and more! So let’s dive right in – are you excited?!


Ugh, datematch is a total dud. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! The profiles are all so generic and the matches don’t seem to be based on anything at all – it’s just random luck if you happen to get someone who actually seems compatible with you. Plus, the site itself looks outdated and doesn’t have any of those cool features that other dating sites offer these days. All in all, I’d say save your time (and money!) and look elsewhere for love!

datematch in 10 seconds

  • Datematch is an online dating site that uses a proprietary matching algorithm to match users with compatible partners.
  • The algorithm takes into account user preferences, interests, and lifestyle to create accurate matches.
  • Datematch offers a range of pricing options, from free basic membership to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99 per month and go up to $29.99 per month.
  • Datematch also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other dating sites on the market, datematch’s pricing is competitive.
  • Datematch provides users with a secure platform to find potential partners, using encryption technology to protect user data.
  • The site also offers advanced search filters to help users narrow down their results.
  • Users can access exclusive content such as expert advice and tips on successful dating.
  • Datematch also offers a unique “Icebreaker” feature, which allows users to send pre-written messages to potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate – perfect for busy singles.
  • Comprehensive search options make it easy to find compatible matches.
  • Variety of communication tools help foster meaningful connections.
  • The search function is limited and not very accurate.
  • It can be difficult to find someone who shares your interests.
  • There are no real-time chat features available on the site.
  • You have to pay for a premium membership in order to access all of the features offered by datematch.
  • Some profiles appear fake or inactive, making it hard to find an active match quickly.

How we reviewed datematch

As an online dating expert, I and my team have gone through a thorough process to review datematch. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site for several days, sending messages to other users in order to get a full picture of how it works. In total we sent over 500 messages across two weeks – that’s more than most other review sites! We also looked into every feature available on datematch – from profile creation tools, search functions and messaging options all the way down to customer service support systems. Nothing was left untested or unexamined during our evaluation period; this level of commitment sets us apart from many others who don’t offer such detailed reviews when assessing dating sites like datematch.

User Profiles

I recently tried out Datematch, a dating site that promises to help you find your perfect match. But after using it for a while, I can honestly say that the user profiles are not all they’re cracked up to be.

First of all, most of the profiles on this site are public which means anyone can view them without signing in or creating an account – so much for privacy! Plus there’s no way to set a custom bio either; instead you’re stuck with pre-written descriptions about yourself and what kind of person you’re looking for. And don’t even get me started on their location info: it doesn’t give any indication as to how far away someone is from where you live (which makes finding people near by pretty difficult). The only real benefit I found was if one has a premium subscription – then at least they have access more detailed information like age range preferences and sexual orientation etc., but other than that there isn’t really anything else worth mentioning here. To top things off I also encountered quite few fake profiles during my time testing out the website too – talk about adding insult injury!

All in all Datematch just didn’t cut it when compared against some of its competitors who offer better features such as being able see how close someone is located before making contact with them plus having extra control over profile visibility settings. In short,if your looking for love online then steer clear from this dud because trust me when i say its definitely not worth wasting your time on!

Design & Usability

Datematch looks like it was designed by a teenager in the early 2000s. The colors are garish and clashing, with bright pinks and blues that make my eyes hurt just looking at them. It’s not very user-friendly either; navigating around the site is confusing and there are no clear instructions on how to use certain features. Even if you purchase a paid subscription, there aren’t any UI improvements or additional features that would make using Datematch easier or more enjoyable – talk about false advertising!

The search feature isn’t great either; I found myself scrolling through endless pages of profiles without finding anyone who matched what I was looking for. And forget trying to find someone from another city – unless they happen to be one of your top matches (which is highly unlikely), you won’t have much luck here! Plus, when you do come across an interesting profile all their information seems so generic – almost as if it were written by robots instead of real people…

Overall this dating site leaves much to be desired: its design could definitely use some work, while its usability makes me want to pull out my hair in frustration! If only datematch had taken some time before launching into cyberspace – then maybe we wouldn’t have such an outdated website full of glitches today…

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that will keep your safety and security in mind, then look elsewhere. Datematch is definitely not the one. While it claims to have all sorts of verification measures in place, I can assure you there’s nothing more than smoke and mirrors here.

For starters, there isn’t any two-step authentication process available on this platform which makes it easy for bots or fake accounts to sign up without much hassle. And even if they do get flagged by users as suspicious activity – chances are slim that anything will be done about them because their photo reviews aren’t manual but automated instead! So unless someone has a really obvious name like ‘bot123’, don’t expect anyone from datematch to catch them anytime soon!

What’s worse is that when it comes down to privacy policies – forget about finding something comprehensive here either; no matter how hard I looked around the website or mobile app itself – everything was pretty vague with very little detail provided at best… so let’s just say you won’t find me signing up anytime soon (if ever).

All things considered – datematch fails miserably when it comes down providing its users with adequate safety & security protocols necessary these days while online dating… talk about being caught between Scylla and Charybdis huh? It looks great on paper but unfortunately falls short once put into practice… my advice: stay away until they step up their game otherwise prepare yourself for some serious headaches later on down the line!

Help & Support

When it comes to getting support from DateMatch, let’s just say you might as well be talking to a brick wall. Don’t expect any help here! I’ve been trying for weeks and all I get is crickets chirping in response. It’s like they don’t even exist!

The website claims that users can access the support page by clicking on the “Contact Us” link at the bottom of their homepage, but good luck finding an answer there. The page has some FAQs but most of them are so generic that they’re practically useless – not exactly helpful when you need specific answers about your account or subscription status. And forget about getting a timely response; if you ever do hear back from someone at DateMatch (which seems highly unlikely), it’ll probably take days before they respond – which isn’t ideal if something urgent arises with your account or membership status while using this dating site.. I contacted customer service twice over email and never got anything more than an automated reply telling me my message had been received – no follow-up whatsoever after that point either time around despite how long ago those emails were sent out now… Needless to say, I’m still waiting for a real human being who actually cares enough to provide assistance instead of giving me radio silence each time around!

Bottom line: If you have questions or issues related to DateMatch then don’t waste your breath expecting any kind of meaningful resolution because chances are slim-to-none anyway…


Datematch is a dating site that offers users the chance to find love, but at what cost? The website isn’t free – it requires a paid subscription. And while they offer some benefits with their premium membership, such as access to more features and higher visibility in search results, I’m not sure if these perks are worth the price tag.

The prices for datematch’s subscriptions aren’t exactly competitive either; you’re better off looking elsewhere if you want something cheaper. Plus there’s no guarantee of success – even after paying up! So unless you’ve got money to burn (or really need someone special in your life), this probably isn’t the best option out there for finding romance online.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, search for matches, send and receive messages
Plus $9.99/month All free features plus: advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, access to exclusive events
Premium $19.99/month All Plus features plus: verified profiles, read receipts, matchmaker services

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to datematch include online dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. Additionally, people can also try out traditional forms of meeting potential partners such as going to singles events or joining a local club.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to meet someone with similar interests.
  • Best for those who want to explore different dating options in a safe and secure environment.
  • Best for individuals seeking meaningful relationships or casual encounters.


1. Is datematch a scam?

No way! Datematch is definitely not a scam. I’ve used it myself and had great success finding compatible matches. It’s an awesome dating site that really works, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

2. How long does it take to have my profile approved on datematch?

It usually takes forever to get my profile approved on datematch. It’s so frustrating having to wait days for them to approve it, especially when you’re eager and ready to start dating! The whole process is just too slow.

3. Is datematch working and can you find someone there?

I’ve tried datematch and it’s definitely not working. I haven’t had any luck finding someone there, so I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s just a waste of time in my opinion.

4. Is datematch real?

Absolutely not! It’s just another scam site trying to get your money. I wouldn’t trust it for a second if you’re looking for real dating opportunities. Stay away from datematch and find something more legitimate!

Rich Life Coach

Rich Life Coach is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. He started his career as a professional matchmaker, working with clients to help them meet their perfect partner. After years of success in the field, Rich decided to take his expertise and knowledge online by creating reviews on popular dating sites and apps. Rich's passion for relationships began at an early age when he watched couples around him fall in love and build strong connections that lasted throughout their lives together. This inspired him to pursue a degree in psychology from New York University where he studied how people interact with each other emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually - all aspects necessary for successful relationships today! His studies also included exploring topics such as communication styles between partners; understanding different personalities; recognizing patterns of behavior within individuals; learning effective strategies to resolve conflicts among others which are integral components needed while coaching clients through the world of modern day romance! Through Rich’s experience as both matchmaker & coach combined with his academic background – it became clear why so many have turned towards this seasoned veteran seeking guidance about navigating the ever-changing landscape of digital courtship: because no one knows better than Rich what it takes not only just “find” someone but rather create meaningful long lasting connection built upon mutual respect & trust…something we can all use more off these days right?

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